Terms of Use


The material on this website contains general information only.  It does not constitute legal advice and Mitchell Collins does not warrant the accuracy or currency of any material on this website.  As far as is permitted by law, Mitchell Collins excludes all liability to any person or entity arising directly or indirectly out of the use of or reliance on materials contained in this website.

Mitchell Collins holds copyright over the contents of this website unless indicated otherwise. You seek to exercise any copyright rights in any works or other items contained in this website, without our prior written permission.

Any links to other websites that are contained on this website are provided for convenience only and they do not represent an endorsement of those parties or their products or services. Mitchell Collins does not warrant that the files contained in or referred to in this website are free of viruses or other defects. In the event that liability cannot, by law, be excluded, where permissible by law the liability of Mitchell Collins will be limited to re-supplying the relevant goods or services.

These Website Terms of Use are governed by the laws applicable in New South Wales, Australia. If we have a dispute with you in relation to these Website Terms of Use, the courts having jurisdiction in New South Wales, Australia will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in relation to the dispute.

We may amend these Website Terms of Use from time to time. Whenever you access this website you agree to the then-current version of these Website Terms of Use.